A fantasy doctor!

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Daily writing prompt
When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Hello everybody!

Good Morning to all! Open your eyes to a new beginning that is staring at your faces, which has always been standing outside your doors. Spread love and happiness. Find the resilience in yourself to fight all the odds and achieve your goals. With these positive affirmation lets begin today’s blog.

Today’s blog topic is really enticing and intriguing. Five years is an age that is replenished with a so many questions and one has the unbending curiosity to seek the answers to them. And one is also so enthusiastic to explore the world which is still an alien to them. They start observing and learning and deriving from it, they create a fantasy about the person they want to become as they grow up. I have always wondered that there are many rare five years old who knew the purpose of their lives and as they grow up they do become what they had thought to become when they were five years old.

When I was five years old, I fantasized about becoming a doctor, just because in India it is the first career choice. But as I attained consciousness of my real self, I realized that I was not passionate for this profession, rather I am a more creative person inclined towards painting, teaching and philosophical stuff. When as a five year old we are deciding our choices they are just a childhood fantasies, as we are not aware about our true selves. And often while growing up choices change, we as human change too so the choices that we were making as a five year old becomes redundant.

So here is my today’s blog post on today’s prompt. Hope you all like it and support my efforts, I am ending this blog with the promise of writing again.

Stay safe and happy!


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