Animal farm Chapter 8 review : Napoleon is high on tyranny

Hello everybody!

Welcome to a new morning and to the opening of new opportunities. Hope these opportunities open several avenues for you which helps you to achieve the purpose of your life. Always stay resilient during the tough time. Never lose hope and be patient always as happiness always follows after struggle.

Now we will proceed with our blog on our chapter review of Animal Farm by George Orwell. The allegory of the novel has now started reaping fruit as the real tyranny of the leader of the animals, Napoleon has started becoming evident, In the previous chapter there we witnessed the height of his authoritarian rule. And now we will witness its continuation.

Animals felt that the decree which stated that “No animal shall be killed by any other animal without any plausible reason” was violated but later they were made to get convinced that the reason for their execution was logical as they were coearced by Snowball and they have betrayed by aligning with a traitor. Animals were everyday intimated about the progress made in the figures of the daily ration by Squealor but none of them could see the tangible product for which all of them yearned.

The status of Napoleon has risen as he was availed with all the privileges of a leader and moreover he proclaimed himself as the leader and wanted to be addressed as “Our leader, Comrade Napoleon” by all. And there were several other names also by which he got renowned, such as, “Father of All Animals”, and “Terror of Mankind ” and many such names. He became the sovereign, who was credited with all the achievements made as if he was a divinely ordained monarch. He even got a poem composed , “Comrade Napoleon” to commemorate himself, which was inscribed on the wall of the big barn.

Napoleon wanted to sell the timber that was in the farm for cash and he was in talks with Pilkington and Frederiek from which he was aspiring for a fair price. It seemed he favored Pilkington more and even forged a mutual relationship. On the other hand their were rumors of Fredreik’s inhumane behaviors with his farm animals, his involvement with Snowball caused a deeper rift between them. But to everybody’s shock when on the day when the deal was struck, Fredreik was the man who became the buyer. But unfortunately he betrayed the farm animals by buying the timber using forged currencies.

A battle escalated again, it was a lot bloodier than the previous one, with many casualties on both the sides. This battle came to be called as the Battle of the Windmill, and animals won, but they had to pay a heavy price for it as they lost a lot many of their comrades in the war. They were given a martyr’s honor. And again the credit was snatched by Napoleon. The battle was won but the spirits were lost as many were physically injured, like Boxer who had endured pellets to his legs and was oblivious of his strength, and the worst was the obliteration of the windmill. The windmill that they had so passionately worked upon and even successfully completed it, now laid in ruins.

The final decision that shocks everybody in the farm was the permission to drink alcohol in the farm, which was also prohibited by the decree of commandments. So slowly the decrees of the commandments were getting altered as Napoleon pleased. The tyranny of napoleon was reaching its heights in this chapter and the animals were the one who were suffering and getting used. Napoleon’s ego too was hurting the farm animals and leading them to their graves, but it was not the concern of Napoleon.

So her is the review of chapter 8, and hope you have enjoyed my blog very much. Thank you for all the support and love you have given me by liking my blogs, I am very greatful for that and hope you will keep on supporting me and push me to do a much better job.

I will write again and try to bring beautiful smiles on your faces again!

Stay safe and healthy!


4 responses to “Animal farm Chapter 8 review : Napoleon is high on tyranny”

  1. Reblogged this on InnerWings and commented:
    We are animals #Science Remember😈😇😅🧘🧘🧘❤️❤️


    1. So true!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Thanks for the reblog🙂😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Its beautifully written bhai


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